7th Grade Camp
Do you remember 7lth grade at Chief Noon Day and Long Lake Camps? This is when our two elementary schools (Lee and Godfrey) combined from April 3 to April 7, 1961, to camp for a week. Basically, it was the first time our two classes got together to meet and get to know each other. Fortunately, Deb Havens found many of the planning schedules, camp maps, group assignment lists and daily news during the camp. Since they were mimeographed, not all the papers are very readable, but we thought you would enjoy reliving youthful memories of the camp. I found a few photos from my Kodak Brownie camera and included them. If anyone has any photos, please email them to me and I will post them. Fred
Camper Individual Supply list:
Group Lists:
Group duty assignments:
Group Activities schedule:
Lodge Assignments: Chief Noonday Camp
Lodge Assignments: Long Lake Camp
Map: Chief Noonday
Map: Long Lake Camp
Lightning Bolts Chapel:
Nelson's Nitwits News:
Rice Crispies News:
The What's News:
Wacky Wolverines: